Jaya Johnson (On Leave)

Jaya Johnson (On Leave)

Study Pool Coordinator
Photo of Jaya Johnson

The Study Pool is a recruitment program providing human subjects for academic research. Department researchers, undergraduate thesis writers, graduate students, and post-doctoral candidates offer unique research studies in clinical, developmental, social, cognitive, brain and behavioral research. University students, and community members are the volunteers who learn about psychological research by participating.

I have 20+ years multi-industry experience as an Executive/ Office/ Financial/ Research Administrative professional with a demonstrated ability to lead, and collaborate with subject matter experts, and executive teams.

My previous tenure was held in Research Administration at Johns Hopkins University where I was responsible for JHURA’s daily operations and acted as a liaison to the Hopkins research community.

Fun Fact: I have a passion for volunteering and serving my community in areas of need.


Contact Information

WJH, 2nd floor, Room 228
p: 617 495 3891

Alphabetical Staff
